Posted by Linda Braendel on Jul 18, 2019
Steve Rutledge, a Rotarian who knows how to make a difference visited us this month to give us an update on the work of bringing clean water to villages in Laos. One of Rotary Foundation’s Areas of Focus is Providing Clean Water and Steve works energetically towards this goal.
2019 Update:  In the past year, AAVIL has aided more than 2,700 people living in remote areas in Laos with improved access to clean water and sanitary facilities.  The provision of items to support feminine hygiene during menstruation is an additional outreach initiative in this area that is having a tremendous impact.  Read on to learn more about this vitally important project.
The primary mandate of Steve’s work with Adopt A Village in Laos is to provide new water sources, clean water, education facilities and sponsorship, hygiene training and hygienic toilets in Laos.  Steve and his team have worked tirelessly to bring about a positive difference in the lives of rural villagers by completing 7 water projects, providing 1792 water filter systems and 20 toilet banks.  The water filters the program provides are made in Laos, are approved by the World Health Organization and cost $120.00 CDN.  This relatively small investment can help to effectively remove 99.9 percent of the bacteria found in village water, reducing the instances of diarrhea, skin rashes and other diseases that run rampant through the villages caused by drinking and using contaminated water.
One of the important aspects of the program is the condition that to receive a water or school project, the local villagers must agree to “buy-in” by providing much of the physical work in site preparation, construction of dams, water tanks and buildings, etc.   This required commitment helps to get the work done using traditional work methods combined with modern technology.  Completion of a project is celebrated by all involved and the villagers just beam with deserved pride and a sense of accomplishment, as well as deep gratitude to Steve, his team, Rotary and all other contributors.
If you would like to know more about, or make a donation to the ADOPT A VILLAGE IN LAOS project, contact Steve Rutledge at or review his web site