The Rotary Club of Toronto West had a bitter-sweet summer.  We experienced the passing of our beloved Rotarian, Donald "Don" Foster, who has been with the Rotary Club for over 60 years.  But we also had some wonderful celebrations.
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe Rotary Club of Toronto West knows how to make hay while the sun is shining.  We had a wonderful summer but we saved the best for the last days of Summer.  We had a wonderful family pool party at the residence of Rtn. Susan on August 12.  On this day we also celebrated the 17th birthday of Jeremy, Rtn. Anthony and Veronica's grandson.  Fortunately, there were other teen-agers at the pool party including Sabrina, granddaughter of Rtn. Willis. 
 To end the summer in a big way, RTW together with the Tibetan Club and the Etobicoke Club celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the Rotary Peace Park and the International Day of Peace.  It was a wonderful celebration of diversity, equity, and inclusion. featuring multi-cultural foods and fun.
 On September 14, we had our last social breakfast meeting for the summer at the Olive Restaurant, one of RTW's favourite breakfast places.  And now we welcome the fall.